
#1. Download sublime SFTP plugin:

#2. Invoke Package Control (hotkey: cmd+shift+p) and filter with “SFTP” to Setup Server

#3. Edit the pop-out file like below:

    "host": "",
    "user": “xxxx",
    "password": “xxxx”,
    "remote_path": "/home/pi/“,

#4. In an empty file, type cmd+shift+p -> SFTP: browse server to download files from remote server

#5. If you have a copy from remote server, skip step 4, type cmd+shift+p -> sftp: map to remote and set config in sftp-config.json file. Notice that the remote path is

    "remote_path": "/home/pi/tensorflow/tutorials”

That’s it. After this, evertime you edit a synced file at the local side, just do:

  • cmd+shift+p to invoke package control
  • SFTP: Sync Local -> Remote


How to use Sublime over SSH
Sublime Text FTP/SFTP 遠端檔案同步